Most polymers used in food factories are derivatives of epoxy, polyester and acrylic resins, and rubber latex. 用于食物工厂的多数聚合物是环氧衍生物、聚酯和丙烯酸树脂和胶乳。
Influence of polyester short fiber content on properties of natural rubber used as off-the-road-tire tread rubber 聚酯短纤维用量对工程胎胎面用天然橡胶性能的影响
It is also dedicated to the development of five industrial clusters of production and deep-processing of polyester, polyamide, plastic, synthetic rubber and fine chemicals. 正构烷烃产业链,努力形成聚酯、聚酰胺、塑料、合成橡胶、精细化工等生产和深加工五大产业集群。
Synthesis of Polyester Elastomer and Modification of Nature Rubber 聚酯弹性体的合成和天然橡胶的改性研究
The effect of the polyester short fiber amount on the vulcanizing property of the rubber composite 聚酯短纤维含量对其增强橡胶复合材料硫化性能的影响
The synthesis and properties of elastic unsaturated polyester were investigated and the use of the elastomer compounded with nitrile butadiene rubber was discussed. 本文研究了弹性体不饱和聚酯的合成,并对有关性能和丁腈橡胶的并用进行了讨论。
This product mainly used in polyethylene, polyamide, polyester, polyvinyl chloride, ABS resin and all kinds of synthetic rubber and petroleum products, is highly effective to polypropylene. 本产品主要用于聚乙烯、聚酰胺、聚酯、聚氯乙烯、ABS树脂一级各种合成橡胶和石油产品中,对聚丙烯有卓效。
Fatigue damage mechanism of unidirectional polyester cord/ rubber composites under cyclic loading 单向聚酯帘线/橡胶复合材料的疲劳损伤机理
Using scanning electron microscope ( SEM) and soft-X radiation technique, the damage accumulation mechanism of unidirectional polyester cord/ rubber composite is studied. 采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和软X光射线技术,分析了单向聚酯帘线橡胶复合材料的疲劳损伤机理。
Unsaturated Polyester Resin toughened by Liquid Rubber 液体橡胶增韧不饱和聚酯树脂
Introducing the features, installation structure and application scope of six kinds of polyester rubber sieve plate which have come out newly in recent years. 介绍了近年来六种新问世的聚氨酯橡胶筛板的特点、安装结构以及适用范围,为用户了解及选用提供了依据。
Compression characteristics of polyester short fiber/ nitrile rubber vulcanizates 聚酯短纤维增强丁腈橡胶硫化胶的压缩性能
Study on the Adhesion of Polyester Textile to Rubber 涤纶织物与橡胶的粘合研究
Research advances in toughening of unsaturated polyester resin were reviewed and some toughening methods, such as blending with liquid rubber and/ or elastomers, adding rigid particles, forming interpenetrating network and changing monomer component, and corresponding toughing mechanisms were described in details in this paper. 综述了目前不饱和聚酯树脂增韧研究进展,重点探讨了液体橡胶、弹性体共混增韧、无机刚性粉末增韧、形成互穿网络结构、化学结构改性等增韧手段及相应的增韧机理。
Effect of generation heat on fatigue behavior of polyester/ rubber composites and rayon/ rubber composites under cyclic loading 周期载荷下聚酯/橡胶复合材料和人造丝/橡胶复合材料的热生成对疲劳行为的影响
A study on adhesive bonding property between polyester filament fabric and rubber 涤纶长丝织物与橡胶粘接性能的研究
Experimental Studies on Fatigue Damage of Polyester Reinforced Rubber 聚酯增强橡胶疲劳破坏实验研究
The effects of four different types of fillers on the thermal, mechanical and water resistant properties of room temperature cured polyester polyol-based casting polyurethane rubber were explored. 以4种填料合成了室温固化的聚酯型聚氨酯浇注胶,研究了填料的种类、用量以及复配形式对聚氨酯耐热形变性能、机械性能、耐水性能和热降解性能的影响。
Investigation and Application of Pouring Polyester Type Polyurethane Rubber 聚酯型聚氨酯浇注橡胶的研究及应用
The polyester industrial yarn is a new reinforcement material for rubber products, and has a bright future in its application. 高强涤纶工业丝是一种新颖的橡胶骨架材料,发展前途很广。
Application and Dissemination of Polyester Rubber Sieve Plate Made in China 国产聚氨酯橡胶筛板的推广应用
The reinforcement of short organic fibers ( polyaryl sulfone fiber, polyester fiber) and inorganic fibers ( carbon fiber, glass fiber) on silicone rubber was studied by mixing mill and the morphology was observed by SEM. 用开炼机混炼法,研究了有机短纤维(聚芳砜纤维、聚酯纤维)和无机短纤维(碳纤维、玻璃纤维)对硅橡胶的补强作用,并用SEM观察了微观形态。
The interaction mechanisms and function of adhesive between polyester cord and rubber were discussed. 探讨了浸胶液在聚酯帘子线与橡胶之间的作用机理以及增粘作用。
In order to simultaneously recycle waste rubber powder and fiber and solve shock resistant performance problems of the unsaturated resin after curing, the first time the unsaturated polyester/ waste rubber powder/ tires fiber composites were raised and prepared in this study. 为了同时回收利用废胶粉和废纤维,解决不饱和树脂固化后硬而脆、耐冲击性能差的问题。